Accor Hotels Corporate Codes 2025

AccorHotels uses ‘Client codes’ that start with the letters SC, SCP, or AS, and ‘Access codes’ which are also known as ‘Contract numbers’. You need both of these codes in order to make a corporate rate booking.

The following are some of the most prevalent Accor Hotels corporate codes. It would be great if someone could help add to this list.

CompanyClient codesAccess codes
European Community Global MasterSC372937417132903 
CISCO SystemsSC764146528189414 
Swimming AustraliaSC755168127354882 
CGU Presidential Card membersSC7437298865000 
The Law Society of ScotlandSC220905934TH949GB521

How to Apply a Accor Hotels Corporate Code?

You can easily add the codes to your online reservation from the homepage. When you click on the ‘Special rates’ box, it then shows you the option for ‘Professional Travellers’, where you can enter both the ‘Client code’ and the ‘Access code’:

2 thoughts on “Accor Hotels Corporate Codes 2025”

  1. Even in your screenshot you can see that Access Code is supposed to be 10 characters, so how can the corporate codes in the diagram ever work?


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