Hertz CDP Codes 2025

Hertz has three primary discount code types you need to understand: Hertz CDP Codes, Hertz PC Codes, and Hertz RQ Codes. They all offer various types of discounts or offers, but the CDP code typically provides the largest discount.

Hertz CDP code is a contract that has been established in cooperation with a company or organization (a Corporate Discount Code) to provide discounts beyond what is provided to the public. Examples of CDP codes include corporate rate plans and credit card and travel club discount programs. A CDP Number consists of numerical values and is between 1 and 10 digits long.

This number can also be used in conjunction with a PC (Promotion Code), RQ (Rate Code) or CV (Convention Number) if the special offer or promotion requires additional information is included in the reservation.

The following are some of the most prevalent Hertz CDP codes, We will continue to add to the list as we find new ones.

HertzAMEX Gold306613
HertzAMEX Centurion1041723、591064
HertzAMEX Platinum211762
HertzAMEX Platinum Germany651007
HertzUS Air157348
HertzCar & Driver1757580
Hertz20% off + Stackable with PC Codes1261109
HertzMilitary Discount1238193
HertzAARP 20% Off2007815

How to Apply a Hertz Discount Code

Go to Hertz Booking Page and enter your location and dates. Click Continue.

Click on the “Discounts Applied” arrow to reveal the discount code options

Enter your Hertz CDP Code or other discount code and click Apply to get the deal.

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